Projects (2024)
主持人 Investigator |
計畫名稱 Project name |
計畫期間 Project period |
補助/委託或合作機構 Category |
傅彥培 Yen-Pei Fu |
氧化銅相關的複合材料在環境修復與能源的應用 CuO-related composites for environmental remediation and energy applications |
2022.08.01~ 2025.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
傅彥培 Yen-Pei Fu |
集成式鈣鈦礦氧化物於鋅-空氣電池的應用 Integrated perovskite oxides for Zn-air battery applications |
2023.08.01~ 2026.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
陳俊良 Chun-Liang Chen |
強化相對耐火高熵合金之影響於能源應用 Influence of reinforcements on refractory high entropy alloys for energy applications |
2023.08.01~ 2026.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
魏茂國 Mao-Kuo Wei |
有機發光元件內部光耦合結構製作與研究-非規則性排列微透鏡陣列 Fabrication and study of internal light-outcoupling microstructure of organic light emitting devices-irregularly arranged microlens array |
2024.08.01~ 2025.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
林育賢 Yu-Shyan Lin |
改良型異質結構電晶體之研製 Study and Fabrication of Improved Heterostructure Transistors |
2024.08.01~ 2025.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
田禮嘉 Li-Chia Tien |
氣相法製備多孔性混相鎳硫化合物奈米異質結構製備與儲能應用 Preparation of porous mixed-phase nickel-sulfur compound nanoheterostructures by gas phase method and their energy storage applications |
2024.08.01~ 2025.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |
余英松 Ing-Song Yu |
以分子束磊晶系統在二維二硫化鎢上成長氮化銦鎵化合物半導體材料 2D-WS2-assisted epitaxial growth for InGaN compound semiconductors by molecular beam epitaxy |
2024.08.01~ 2025.07.31 |
國科會 National Science and Technology Council |